
We offer many products at the office to help with your overall wellness.

Stop in today and start down the path to better health.

Dietary Supplements

We offer the full line of
Ortho Molecular Products
dietary supplements.


Cold therapy – or “cryotherapy”
helps relieve pain and lasts
longer than using ice!

Pillow Pedic

Perfect for back & side sleepers.
Supports the head and neck
keeping the spine in alignment.

Tri-Core Pillow

The Tri-Core pillow is prized for its ability to help
relieve neck pain and correctly align the spine,
while supporting the neck in its natural position.

Foot Levelers

We offer the Foot Levelers line of custom-made,
flexible orthotics based on chiropractic research
and innovative technology.


A full line of Resistance training
range of motion and
balance & stability products.

Inversion Tables

Elite Fitness Inversion tables are designed
to use gravity to relieve some of the
pressure on the spine. Try one today!